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Review of CoPilot Car Shopping App

I've been testing out a car shopping app called CoPilot that some of you may have heard of, but I'm sure many of you haven't yet. They've been around for a couple of years, but have really started to gain traction this year.

CoPilot is basically a free car shopping app that compiles and analyzes new and used cars listings from all dealer sites, and makes it easy to browse and compare vehicles in one place. I have to be honest, back when they first launched, I quickly browsed the app and figured it was similar to other car shopping apps - where dealers generally pay to be promoted and recommended.

It wasn't until I watched an interview of their CEO, Pat Ryan on the Car Dealership Guy podcast, that I realized their business model was not dealer-aligned, but consumer focused. In other words, they do not get paid by dealers to promote listings in any way. OK, this is actually pretty cool and very different than any of the other car shopping sites or apps, so I had to give it a deeper look.

After using the app for some time now, I can say this is definitely something all car shoppers should be using. This app is especially perfect for someone who knows the make and model of car they want and have some time on their hands to wait for the best deals.

Here are some of the key advantages of CoPilot vs other car shopping apps, and features that I find very useful:

  1. Consumer Focused - CoPilot does not get paid by dealers in any way. This means you can rely on them to analyze listings and provide unbiased assesment of deals. There are no sponsored posts or ways for dealers to promote their listings.

  2. Comprehensive Listings - According to CoPilot, they search and compile every car listing available on dealer sites nationwide. Unlike some other apps, they do not limit their listings based on whether the dealer is part of their network or whether they pay to promote their listings. This ensure you won't miss any deals or new listings.

  3. Very Detailed Listings - CoPilot includes a lot of details in their listings, especially when it comes to the options and packages included in each vehicle. They also include market values of those options and packages and make it easy to compare to other listings, providing a more realistic determination of what a "fair" price is.

When you first sign up for the app, you will go through an onboarding process where CoPilot asks you a series of questions to determine the vehicle you're looking for, along with the options and packages you desire. It's important to go over these questions thoroughly and really think about what you want and don't want, because one of the huge benefits of CoPilot is the way it keeps you updated on vehicles that match what you're looking for.

You'll be notified of any price drops or new listings via email and through the app. CoPilot lives up to its name, in that it literally acts as your car shopping copilot, an app you can rely on to notify you of any changes in the marketplace on the exact vehicle configuration you're looking for - all with an unbiased viewpoint you can rely on.

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About The Author

Gregg Fidan Gregg Fidan is the founder of RealCarTips. After being ripped off on his first car purchase, he devoted several years to figuring out the best ways to avoid scams and negotiate the best car deals. He has written hundreds of articles on the subject of car buying and taught thousands of car shoppers how to get the best deals.

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