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Crash Test Results for 2012 Models

Of the 22 vehicles that have been crash tested so far by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for model year 2012, only three have earned a five-star composite score.

These three include the 2012 Chevrolet Camaro, 2012 Cadillac CTS, and the 2012 Toyota Camry.

NHTSA instituted new crash test guidelines which took effect for the 2011 model year. These stricter guidelines have resulted in fewer vehicles earning top scores. In fact, only the 2012 Chevrolet Camaro has so far earned a perfect rating across the board.

NHTSA has yet to test an additional 52 vehicles, so we may see more cars added to the perfect score list next year.

So far, here are the current crash test results for model year 2012 vehicles.

Crash Test Results 2012

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About The Author

Gregg Fidan Gregg Fidan is the founder of RealCarTips. After being ripped off on his first car purchase, he devoted several years to figuring out the best ways to avoid scams and negotiate the best car deals. He has written hundreds of articles on the subject of car buying and taught thousands of car shoppers how to get the best deals.

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